SOLD OUT: Aurora Borealis Photography Workshop: Fairbanks, Alaska - March 2024

from $1,000.00
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The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, is an absolutely awe-inspiring natural wonder. If you've ever seen it first-hand, or ask anyone who has, this is almost certainly an understatement. It's no wonder these spectacular lights have inspired humans' writings (and cave paintings!) throughout religion and lore over thousands of years. Being well-positioned within the Auroral Oval, Fairbanks, Alaska is an excellent destination to see and photograph the Aurora within stunningly beautiful scenery, and March offers excellent chances of clear skies. Throughout this workshop, we will spend our nights chasing the Aurora and clear skies (potentially driving 200 miles in a single night) and take advantage of the beautiful locations for additional landscape and wildlife photography by day. Through all of it, you will learn various night and low-light photography methods including, multiple exposure blending, multiple exposures for stacked processing, low level lighting, timelapse shooting and processing, and various other night sky photography techniques plus small group post-processing instruction.

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